Walmart represents perhaps the most recognized brand among retail stores. Below, we explore the question of how much do Walmart managers make. As well as the components of the overall Walmart store manager salary and job. We’ll also touch upon the Walmart assistant manager salary and the manager’s responsibilities.
Walmart Manager Job Description & Duties
The Walmart manager oversees the overall operation and performance of the store. In the supervisory role, a Walmart manager ensures a sufficient number of associates in the store and each department and directs associates on proper customer service techniques, including the handling of customer inquiries and complaints. The manager
also leads assistant and department managers within the stores on their oversight of associates and ensuring adequate inventory, merchandise and delivery and store operations.
Within the Walmart manager job description also lies a public relations component. Managers represent the store in community outreach and activities sponsored by the store and with other community organizations, also, they might attend the functions or issue Public announcements.
Walmart Manager Salary & Benefits
To grasp how much do Walmart managers make, we consider incentives along with the base pay. Glassdoor reports that a Walmart manager salary stands, on a mean basis, at $137,000 annually, or $11.417 per month. This includes a mean base pay of $98,000 per year or $8,167 monthly. According to Glassdoor, Walmart managers fetch an average additional pay of $68,502 annually or $5,709 per month. The additional compensation includes Cash bonuses ranging from $53,000 to $132,000, stock bonuses at a value from $297 to $15,000 and profit sharing benefits running from $6 to $24,000.
Meanwhile, the Walmart assistant manager salary registers at $48,187 per year. This translates to monthly earnings of $3,973. Walmart managers and assistant managers enjoy benefits such as participation in its 401(k) plans and a ten percent discount on the price of goods and services. According to PayScale, paid vacation and holidays, along with life insurance and disability insurance constitute part of the benefits package.
Overall, the Walmart store manager salary has increased due to a company reorganization of store management. Specifically, the retailer announced that stores with less than $80 million in annual sales would not have a store manager. Facilities that earn from $80 million to $90 million would have one. While two co-managers would serve stores with between $90 million and $125 million. Three co-managers would oversee stores exceeding $125 million in annual sales.
Alternative Companies Salary
Now that you have an idea of how much Walmart managers make, we compare two of their competitors. The Walmart store manager salary occupies a fairly lofty perch. The level exceeds the $114,000 mean annual pay for store managers in Target. However, Target store managers fetch a base pay of $108,189 per year, north of the $98,000 base pay for their Walmart counterparts.
K-Mart store managers have an annual average base pay of $71,411 and annual overall salary of $72,000, says Glassdoor. Look at the Costco manager salary for a comparison as well.
The answer to how much do Walmart managers make can vary based on the particular store’s sales performance. Walmart awards incentives for managers to spur sales. If you’re a Walmart manager or have been one, please share your own take on how much Walmart managers make considering your own experience.