Anesthesiologist Salary Guide and Career Outlook

Anesthesiologist careers in Canada and New Zealand will make around $200,000 in their dollars. In the United States, they can expect a large salary with a median of $275,742 dollars. Anesthesiologist in India experience significantly affects pay but the median pay is Rs 994,997 (14,866). In the United Kingdom, the anesthesiologist salary is E84,162 ($91,547) while it is slightly higher in Australia and slightly lower in South Africa.

Do anesthesiologists receive a similar wage regardless of country? Does industry, experience, or location affect the salary? Use this article to learn about what the salary looks like, how skills and experience can impact the salary, and if the job outlook has positive, neutral, or negative growth.

How Much Does an Anesthesiologist Make per Year by Country?

This table was completed with information from with the exception of New Zealand which did not have enough data on Payscale and was taken from different websites.

Anesthesiologist Salary US Canada UK Australia New Zealand India South Africa
Hourly Pay $103.00 C$94.08 ($70.52) E40.46 ($44.01) AU$73.70 ($96.66) NZ$96.15 ($68.64) Rs 478 ($7.14) R346 ($31.34)
Annual Pay $275,742 C$195,687 ($146,678) E84,162 ($91,547) AU$153,305 ($116,731) NZ$200,000 ($142,776) Rs 994,997 ($14,866) R720,000 $(51,754)

Anesthesiologist Salary Influencing Factors

Six of the countries had enough of a sample on to include the typical salary of anesthesiologists. New Zealand used a couple different resources to find the pay for clinical and private anesthesiologists. Below the location, experience, industry, and work environment will be explored.

1. Location

How Much Does an Anesthesiologist Make in the US?

In the United States the anesthesiologist salary is $102,920 to $397,420 dollars. They can receive a bonus of $61,971 and profit sharing of $3,444 to $55,369 depending on where they work. The hourly rate is $21.29 to $197.30 dollars with an overtime rate from $27.82 to $285.94. The total salary is $102,617 to $408,872 dollars.

How Much Does an Anesthesiologist Make in Canada?

The anesthesiologist salary in Canada is between C$95,313 and C$392,966 dollars. The bonus can be significant at C$147,969 but there can also be no bonus. This breaks down to an hourly rate of C$45.82 to C$188.92. The total pay for anesthesiologists in Canada is between C$95,414 to C$392,966 depending on bonus and initial salary.

How Much Does a an Anesthesiologist Make in the UK?

The total salary for anesthesiologists in the United Kingdom is between E48,796 and E152,304. A base salary of E47,659 to E151,011 with a bonus of E,2,250 contributes to this amount. The hourly rate is E22.91 to E73.22. The total salary is E50,000 to E153,621.

How Much Does an Anesthesiologist Make in Australia?

Anesthesiologists in Australia will earn anywhere from AU$51,583 to AU$296,958 dollars annually. A bonus of up to AU$12,000 dollars is typical. Profit sharing is a small AU$,2055. The hourly rate for that salary equates to AU$24.79 to AU$142.76 dollars. Adding everything together the total salary will range from AU51,965 ot AU$300,000 dollars.

How Much Does an Anesthesiologist Make in New Zealand?

Anesthesiologist in New Zealand receive a salary that is determined by the government. The pay for licensed anesthesiologists is between NZ$149,000 and NZ$600,000. The pay for entry-level anesthesiologists is much lower than for experienced anesthesiologists. There are many locum professionals in New Zealand and they make approximately NZ$150,000 dollars. They will typically have travel and housing paid for in addition to their salary.

How Much Does an Anesthesiologist Make in India?

Their is a huge range for anesthesiologist salaries (anesthesiologist salary) in India. More entry-level professionals make Rs 493,488 and senior-level professional make upwards of Rs 2,374,272. Compared to their salary the bonus and profit sharing are very small at Rs 19,797 and Rs 15,000. The total take home pay is Rs 497,465 to Rs 2,397,333.

How Much Does an Anesthesiologist Make in South Africa?

The anesthesiologist salary in South Africa is R480,000 for the 10th percentile of earners and R2,000,000 for the 90th percentile of earners. A dismal bonus of R2,000 is expected. The cumulative salary is R490,217 to R1,957,428.

2. Experience

An anesthesiologist’s experience has a different impact on salary depending on the country. In Australia beginners make significantly less than the median at 63% while mid-career professionals only make 2% more. In Canada there is a swing of 52% from entry-level to experienced anesthesiologists and in South Africa the swing is 38%. After 20 years practicing in Canada the salary can actually decrease. Experience professionals in India will make 133% more than the median. In the United Kingdom the salary does not drastically increase while in the United States the increase associated with experience is a consistent growth.

Regardless of country, anesthesiologists have to receive years of schooling and gain much of their experience through residencies or internships.

3. Industry

In New Zealand, anesthesiologists who work for district health boards make significantly less than those who work for private clinics. However, they can expect to get housing and travel allowances. Those who work in rural district health boards can make a significant amount of money as they are desperate for physicians to work in these areas.

In the United States, anesthesiologists work most often in physician offices, then surgical hospitals, outpatient centers, and universities. The highest wage is seen in those who work in physician offices at $267,360 while in universities it is only $139,740. Anesthesiologists who work for the government or government-run health facilities will receive perks that those in private practices will not earn but will also miss other benefits such as profit shares.

Another interesting aspect of the job is what the gender profile is. South Africa and the United Kingdom had a higher proportion of women practicing than men. This is a different ratio than every other country.

Schedule & Working Hours

For the most part, full-time anesthesiologists have an excellent working schedule. They will typically work during normal office hours. Those who staff in the off hours are frequently residents, new anesthesiologists, or locum anesthesiologists.

The exception to this in the United States is that anesthesiologists who work in hospitals may work in 12-hour shifts and have other times when they are on call. However, they receive several weeks of paid time off and are not expected to work on their days off. In the United Kingdom, it is not unusual for anesthesiologists to work 80 hours a week , but they get many weeks of paid time off and a couple weeks of professional development leave.

Bonuses & Benefits

Most anesthesiologists will receive benefits like paid time off and extra benefits because they are in-demand and it is quite difficult to become an anesthesiologist. For example, in New Zealand, there is typically 10 days of sick leave, 5 weeks of annual paid leave, travel and housing reimbursement and subsidized meals.
The healthcare benefits are seen in the table below.

Country United States Canada United Kingdom Australia New Zealand India South Africa
Medical 84 91 83 62 48 58
Dental 58 77 25 31 2 17
Vision 47 55 23 5

Career Outlook

An anesthesiologist career is an excellent choice. The industry is growing in every country, the pay is good, and the benefits are typically excellent. In the United States it is smart to specialize in a field such as obstetrical anesthesia or critical care as their pay is higher than average.

While in other careers, like bookkeeping, their job numbers are decreasing due to increased automation, this is not the case in this field. Anesthesiologist’s jobs will be impacted by technology but it will not lead to a decrease in jobs. Rather, it will allow anesthesiologists to complete more complex procedures.

More anesthesiologists will work in urban areas as more complex medical procedures are being completed there. However, in countries like New Zealand these professionals are desperately needed in rural areas.


These professionals have an absolutely vital job in modern healthcare. They work in a rewarding field with intense workdays but ample time off. Their salary is high in all countries but the total salary is impacted by different factors in different countries. Overall, they find their skills in demand.

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